Pfff, it took a while but all Grateful Dead items are now listed in the shop. Every item has photo’s of the real object, no stock photo’s. And additional info, such as record reviews, will be added if possible. Coming winter I will post more self-made leather products and other stuff with grateful dead themes on this site. So, please come back for more visits!
Next step is to make the site ‘Google friendly’ so it will come back in the search lists of users and the maintenance of the site; keep it simple, fast, and up-to-date. Because of the extra info on product’s it would be a shame to delete the sold items from the site. So they will get their spot on the ‘Sold Products’ page for archive reasons. > > > > >
And now for something completely different…

t was not only Grateful Dead that belonged to my core record collection. The collection that would never go on sale…. Another favorite is the music of Fela Anikulupo Kuti. The first album i bought was on holidays in France, Concarneau 1978. The LP Zombie lay in the Special Price bin. I bought it because of the cover but it became instanly the house-music of the bar we visited dayly. Ever since i was on the look-out for more music of Fela ‘Ransome’ Kuti. I consider him, ànd James Brown, as major influences in my music-life ! And now it’s time to part of the records and cd’s. Same story here: every item gets it’s own photo’s and I will try to grade the vinyl conversative. Prices will be based on the current Discogs and eBay prices, and on the qualitiy and avaialbility of the vinyl and cover.
So coming weeks I will be busy adding the music of Fela to this site. And next in line are two other gems from my personal collection. More to follow: the music of John Martyn and the combined collection of Robert Wyatt/Gong/Soft Machine items…. Keep in Touch !